Saturday, January 8, 2011

What Would Jesus Buy Saturday: For God So Cherry Lip Glossed the World Edition

I've decided to dedicate Saturday posts to what I consider to be one of the most amusing things about Christian culture in the US:  absurd unnecessarily hyper-spiritualized products.

This first installment comes courtesy of Jesus Needs New PR. (A site I would recommend you check out.) Here we discover the answer for all those Christians who've struggled for years with the moral implications of using that heathen chapstick.

Fruits of the Spirit Lip Gloss

And as you struggle through life's temptations, just remember, self-control smells like apples.

1 comment:

  1. I used to read Matthew Paul Turner's blog but now I just read his wife Jessica's. I have his book Hear No Evil if you'd like to borrow it. It was a quick read. I find him to be a bit too cynical without enough explanation.
