About Me

I'm just an average Midwestern girl who left my Scandinavian Lutheran roots to jump into the world of American Evangelical culture (complete with the Christian College experience). I somehow survived with my faith in tact and have returned to my liturgical ways. I chose to write this blog because I see so many stories of people who struggled with the Evangelical experience and left the church completely. Yet, as I've shared my experiences I've come to realize that there are many who like me are struggling to reclaim and hold onto faith in spite of their experiences. We have to wrestle with the experience and weed out any spiritual distortions that are weighing us down. It's an Evangelical detox...stripping away what's poisoned faith in order to strengthen it. It can be done. And I believe it's worth it. If you can relate, I hope what I write here insprires you to keep striving in that battle.